See on lihtsalt lahe! 1/6 mõõdus kuju Joker'st The Dark Knight alguses nähtud pangaröövli kostüümis. Loomulikult ei hakka ma seda suure hurraaga omale tellima vms. Poleks aga üldse selle vastu, kui Jõuluvana sellise lelu mu kuuse alla tooks. :P Esimene pilt petab kõige paremini ära, mis oleks nagu stseen filmist. Kui seda veidi kaugemalt vaadata, siis oleks nagu Heath mis Heath. Hot Toys pakub kodukal veel mitmeid kujusid nii Batman'st kui ka teise variante Joker'st, kuid Bank Robber on ikka kõikse ägedam. Two-Face võiks ka olla...
This ROBBER JOKER collectible figure stands approximately 31cm tall, features with highly articulated Hot Toys figure body with over 32 points of articulation. Dressed in highly detailed costume includes shirt, suit and shoes.
The highly realistic head sculpture and painting of THE JOKER features with his cold stare, evil intent and his remarkable paints and scars.
This incredible collectible figure also features:
- luggage bag
- "Clown" mask
- Handgun with removable clip
- MK760 with removable clip
- Four pieces of fragmentation grenades
- Three pieces of smoke grenades
- Two interchangeable JOKER heads (both are newly sculpted! )
- Figure display base featuring THE DARK KNIGHT logo and The Joker nameplate

Hot Toys lehelt leiab muide ka päris vinge Iron Man'i kuju:

Iron Manist tehtigi ainult Mark 2?
VastaKustutaLõplik variant ka ikka. See punane-kollane.